Pirate Birthday Party Ideas
Pirate Birthday Party Ideas for kids. This is a favorite for both boys and girls alike.
This is such a fun theme with so many cute possibilities! Girls can do a pink and black color theme and boys red and black.
Be sure to have a few disposable cameras on hand so guests can help take photos.
Pirate Party Supplies
Make party planning simple by ordering items from
Celebrate Express
The cute pink and black birthday decorations and party items are from Celebrate Express.
Seeing these items first hand from Celebrate Express was great. They were well made and cute!
Another great party source for favors and other items is Birthday in a Box
You can find eye patches, hats and other decorative items at Shindigz.com
Pirate Party Invitations
Dress Up Ideas
Dress up for your pirate birthday party! Make sure to take a lot of pictures.
Pirate Hats.
Eye patches, colorful bandanas, play swords for older kids are all easy ideas.
Party Decorations
Take a look at the cool personalized banner above in photo from Celebrate Express. What a great birthday keepsake. You could even have everyone attending sign this
Personalized Birthday Banner
Select your theme colors. Usually two colors works best. Some suggestions are black, gold, white, blue, green, orange, red and pink.
Pink, red, white or black tablecloth.
Decorate tables with gold wrapped chocolate or gold colored plastic coins, shells, costume jewelry, rhinestones. Small buckets with sand and
"treasure" sticking out of it.
Theme colored helium balloons
Colored or theme designed napkins, plates, cups, and cutlery
Party Favors
Here's cute idea for party favors.
Pink Skull Favor Purse Kit Fill with small favors or a fun idea that
this party offered was favors that the children picked out and filled their Purse with.
Rings, bracelets, necklaces, eye patches, spy glasses.
Stickers or tattoos
Need more small party favors?
See Birthday in a Box
for additional ideas.
Party Food
Red Punch (Add some sprite or 7up for some carbonation)
Root Beer in Plastic Mugs
Chicken Drumsticks
Watermelon Fruit Boat. Cut watermelon in half, scoop out middle with a melon ball scoop. Return melon balls and add other cut fruit.
Goldfish Crackers
Blueberry Jello with Gummies
Chips and Dip
Cake Ideas
Click on the picture to see a larger photo of the cake and some tips for making them.
Pirate Birthday Party Games and Crafts

Decorate a Mini Treasure Chest
Decorate a treasure chest. Paint and glue on rhinestones, glitter or if you have time to let it dry you could decoupage this with mod podge. Send home a few treasures inside and make it the "goody bag."
Buried TreasureFill a sand table with clean dry sand. Bury plastic bracelets, toy watches, costume rings, plastic gold coins
and other small trinkets you can get at crafts stores, dollar stores or any store
with a toy or party section. Use a sand shovel or a sand sifter and let each child find a few treasures to take home as party favors.
Walk the PlankSet up a 2 x 4 and have kids "Walk the Plank". For fun put plastic crocodile figures under or a blue tarp (ocean) under the plank.
Pinatas Pinata's always bring a lot of excitement and children love scrambling for the small treats and toys inside. This too was from
Celebrate Express. It was well made and it took quite a few swings to open it!
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